Page name: the day that never comes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-29 14:57:17
Last author: shadows of life
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 8
D20: 2
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The Day That Never Comes

The Plot

The year is 2009, mutant rights have fallen dramaticly, by law they are required to be registered wtih the govermnent but very few if any follow this law. Rivalries are growing ever stronger and normal people are getting more and more restless about the mutant "problem" many have resorted to violence in an effort to eliminate the mutants even when they have done nothing to deserve the violence. Mutant blood flows freely while the government turns a blind eye, some of the mutants which to eradicate the humans, to exterminate them, other mutants however our joining forces with the common people in an effort to prove that they are not all the same and that mutants deserve and need to be treated like the rest of the people.
Peace is something that many fear will never come...

The Rules

1. This is indeed an X-Men rpg so you MUST have a mutation [note: you can be any character from the comics, tv shows, movies, or just make up your own]
2. None of the characters know each other yet
3. Not a chat wiki gah
4. All sex must be under detalied or go to GAH what the hell?!

GAH what the hell?!?!? NEWNESS for new stories xD

5. INVITE PEOPLE...damnit that means you kitty >_< :D
6. -,- no killing off characters
7. no making it so characters can't fight back -,-
NEW RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! characters who are not active for 30 days will be deleted date starting 02/15/10

more rules may or may not be coming


Wolvie's the day that never comes peoples

[same as kitty :D]

Wolvie's Characters
Logan ~ Mutant, male, unknown, ya know his powers
James Hetfield ~ Mutant, Male, 45, he can change to a wolf at will
Bruce Dickinson ~ Mutant, Male, 50, can turn to a wolf at will, he can heal others however doing this takes a huge strain on himself and he needs to rest for several days after doing it, also he age's very slowly so even though he's 50 he only apears to be in his 20's
Nina Christianson Dickinson ~ Mutant, Female, 16, she can turn into a cute kitty at will and is a neko naturally but Bruce bought her a special collar that hides her true form
Maxwell Carrigan ~ Mutant, Male, 17, He can make anybody do whatever he wants >:D

kitty's the day that never comes characters

[just cause i figured they were takin up a lot of space :D]

Kitty's Characters
Gackt Camui - mutant, male, twenty-one
Tiki - husky puppy
Rogue - mutant, female, sixteen
Damien & Derek - demon, male, millions of years old but looks twenty, twins
Shinya - mutant, male, twenty
Rikku - sorceress, female, 30

Name:Heatra Kasshu
History:very strait forward and speaks his mind.
Mutation:can turn oxygen into fire.

Name: Isaac [Can’t remember his last name, need to find profile at home]
Age: 17
Personality: Silent, very quiet sometimes, cheerful, happy, bloodthirsty[When hungry]
Past Story: Unkown, he will not speak of it….to anyone he does not trust
Mutation: Vampiric powers, sucking of blood, on occasion he’ll eat raw meat, enhanced senses and strength, and regenerative powers(duh), crawling on walls, hates the sunlight, can't die in it...but fucking HATES it.

Username (or number or email):


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2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac sat in the cell and sighed.

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: Nina punces Gackt's arm playfully

James smiles back nodding, "Yeh"

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt eeped rubbing his arm "oh im telling bruce what you did" he giggled.

Rogue sat up "good"

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: Bruce, "wait what did I do?" she giggles

James nods, "But I still want to keep an eye on you"

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The doctor walked in and nodded, whistling a small old tune. "Rogue, yes?"

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "you hit me"

Rogue "fine fine" she looked at the doctor "yes?"

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The doctor smiled. "you can leave now." he'd nod.

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "awesome"

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The doctor handed her a clip board. "Please sign here."

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "Oh i dont think i can sign that im only seventeen and james signed me in"

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The doctor blinked. "'s just a policy, it doesn't really mean anything, it just means you understand we're releasing you..."

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "oh ok" she signed the paper.

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: James, "K Rogue you ready?" he asks offerng her his hand to get up

Nina giggles, "So?"

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue took his hand getting out of the bed "very ready can i go over and hang at nina's though?"

Gackt giggled "pfffft"

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: James, "Yeah ya can I'll give ya a lift if you want but just please stay in touch"

Nina giggles, "Love you Gackt"

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nodded "will do"

Gackt smiled "awe love you too" he chuckled

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: James nods, "Ok then"

Nina smiles back giggling

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "they can ride with me if thats ok sir"

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: James nods, "Ok that works"

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "thanks james" she headed out to Gackt's car with gackt and shinya.

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: James smiles back a little. "Welcome"

Nina smiles and goes with Rogue

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled getting into the car.

Rogue gets in as well.

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: Nina hops in and stretches

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled driving to Nina's.

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back hopping out once they get their

Bruce and his band are inside practicing Fear of the Dark loudly

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "wow they're good"

Rogue hopped out chuckling "wow they're loud not half bad but loud"

Gackt giggled getting out of the car.

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: Nina giggles, "They get carried away" she goes over and rudedly flips the breaker cutting the power off

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggled "Oh that is mean"

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Well they needs to be quiet"

Bruce sticks is tonge out at Nina

2010-08-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya giggled "oh let them play"

Gackt smiled "i wanna play" >:D

Rogue rolled her eyes giggling "gackt you're a whore"

Gackt smiled "yes but im a smexxxy whore >:D"

2010-08-18 [wolvie]: Nina giggles and switches the breaker again rolling her eyes, "Ewwww Gackt ewwww" she giggles

Bruce, "Woo and shut up Gackt I'm clearly smexxxxier" he giggles

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "pfffft well i...." he giggled "damn you and your truth bruce damn you"

Rogue giggled "odd friends we have"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "The truth hurts shorty" he giggles knowing he's actually a little shorter then Gackt

Rocks barks madly, running over and pouncing Rogue

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue eeped giggling "hey rocks" she petted him

Gackt smiled "a kiss would make it better"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Nina eeps a little, "Rocks no Rogue doesn't feel good"

Rocks quickly hops down, 'sorry' he wags his tail

Bruce smiles back and kisses Gackt's cheek

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "as long as he misses my arm i'll be ok"

Gackt giggled "awe yay"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "Ok Rocks you heard her"

Rocks nods and smiles, 'hi Rogue'

Bruce smiles, "Yes yay"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled petting Rocks "good boy"

Gackt smiled back chuckling

Shinya smiled softly.

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Rocks smiles back and licks her face

Nina punches Gackt's arm again giggling

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggled more.

Gackt eeped "bruce your daughter is abusing me" he smiled.

Shinya smiled "oh i havent properly introduced myself" he held out a hand to Bruce "im shinya well thats what i like to be called my real name is Terachi Shinya i dont like my first name though"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: [sorry big dogs had to potty]

Nina giggles, "Am not"

Bruce smiles back shaking his hand, "Awesome me names Paul Bruce Dickinson everyone calls me Bruce though"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [tis k ^^]

Gackt smiled "were so"

Rogue pulled Nina off to the side "come on lets go"

Shinya "nice to meet ya"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Nina, "I would never" she smiles and goes with Rogue, "Where we goin?"

Bruce nods, "NIce to meet you two"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "there was this guy i wanna tell him thanks for helping me"

Gackt smiled "my bruce shin"

Shinya giggled "bite me gackt"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "Ok lets go find him"

Bruce giggles, "Hey I belong to noone"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "Nuh uh"

Rogue nodded and headed to the area where she was before.

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "We broke up remember you got it in your head that I was cheating for some reason"

Nina goes with her and shifts to her kitty form, trying to track but failing when she gets distracted by a leaf :D

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i said i was sorry james said and had stuff showin ya were" he pouted cutely "Im sorry for believing him"

Rogue giggled "really nina?"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles softly, "I know Gackt but ya know it's in the past and we weren't ment to be"

Nina smiles, "wha?"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "i'd do it again in a heartbeat though"

Rogue smiled "gettin distracted by a leaf"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "It was too weird with Nina being your best friend"

Nina, "it's a pretty leaf"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "yea it was kinda but at least you didnt have to worry about her not liking me"

Rogue smiled "True true it was"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back and nods, "Yeah I'd do again for sure"

Nina smiles back then looks around, "Whats the guy look like?"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya put his hair up in a ponytail looking around "where'd the girls go?"

Rogue described Logan "well this is where i was"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce, "errrrrr...ya know I haven't the foggiest clue"

Nina nods and starts looking around

Logan is in his nearby cabin, swinging from his hammock peacfully

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue followed after Nina.

Shinya giggled "oh dear"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns a little, "I'm sure they're ok"

Nina manages to find the cabin meowing proudly

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "yea they'll be ok probably just went for a walk or something"

Rogue smiled "its one of those moments where ya wish he'd have to take off his shirt" she giggled softly.

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce nods then smiles back, "Yeah your right"

Nina giggles, "Why?"

Logan yawns and stretches out

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "of course"

Shinya nodded.

Rogue giggled "oh please you're so thinking the same thing so you should know why"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "But damnit I'm bored"

Nina, "About him? meh he's too old"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya giggled "im sorry?"

Rogue smiled "ya dont know that" she stepped lightly to left eeping as she fell over.

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce, "You should e" he giggles, "Gackt think of something peic to do"

Nina giggles

Logan jumps and looks over, "Hello?"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggled "yea you dont want me thinking right now"

Shinya o.o "perv"

Gackt >:D

Rogue rose up her bandaged arm waving "hi..." she sat up.

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce bursts out laughing

Logan, "Oh hey kid how ya feeling?"

Nina stays in her kitty form and hops onto Rogue's shoulder

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggled "ya really wanna know what im thinking?"

Shinya "not really no"

Rogue smiled "Much better they got the guy who did it i wanted to thank you"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: NBruce, "Oooh I do I do!" he giggles

Logan, "For what?"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggled "lets go have a threesome"

Shinya squeaked "Nuuuuuuu"

Rogue "for stopping me from cutting"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Ooooh that'd be fun" he giggles, "Fine Shinya me and Gackt'll just have fun then shoo!" he giggles more

Logan, "Oh yeah your welcome kid"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya giggled "shoo?"

Rogue petted Nina "this is nina my friend"

2010-08-19 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Thats right if you say nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu to a threesome then get the hell out" he giggles

Logan, "A cat?"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "well i could play"

Rogue smiled "she can shift she's a normal person i promise"

2010-08-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "so we really can?"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "Sure why not?"

Logan smiles back, "Oh I see then"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggled "oh awesome this will be fun"

Rogue nodded "oh sorry for being so rude im Rogue"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, rolling his eyes a little as the band leaves

Logan, "I'm Logan"
Nina hops down and shifts to normal, "I'm nina"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?"

Rogue smiled "hold up i have to do something before James freaks out" she called home.

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Your weird"

Logan nods

James is up in his room doing pot and doesn't bother to answer

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "yet you love me?"

Rogue frowned "he's not answering..."

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "Sure why not"

Nina, "Maybe he's busy"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggled "Yay"

Rogue "doing what? he always answers when i call no matter what" she smiled a little "he even answered when he had a girl over but maybe you're right but i'll have gackt go check on him just in case" she texted Gackt real quick

Gackt checked his phone "sorry boys looks like you're gonna have to play without me i gotta go check on james real quick unless ya wanna come with me?"

Shinya smiled "um yea if bruce does but if not i'm fine with waiting for ya to get back"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "I say wait for Gackt"

Nina nods, "Ok"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "alright" he chuckled heading over to James' ringing the doorbell.

Rogue smiled and randomly poked Nina's side.

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce sits on the couch, "So Shinya your a friend to Gackt?"

James puts the pot away, "Come in!"

Nina eeps then giggles, poking Rogue back

Logan msiles watching them

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya sat down on the recliner nodding "yep"

Gackt walked in "um dude you ok?"

Rogue giggled gasping playfully "how dare you poke me" she poked Nina again.

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "For how long?"

James, "Fine why?" he says not leaving his room

Nina giggles, "You started it" she pokes her multiple times quickly

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "a few years now we used to be in a band together"

Gackt walked upstairs "rogue tried callin and ya didnt answer she got a little worried about ya"

Rogue giggled pouncing Nina pinning "i win" she stuck her tongue out.

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back and nods, "He's a cool guy I like Gackt"

James, "I'm fine" he says again, "I just aint near a phone"

Nina eeps and giggles madly then leans up, playfully nipping Rogue's tongue

Logan raises a brow

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya nodded "he seems nice a bit over protective sometimes but nice"

Gackt "where are you?"

Rogue giggled sitting up on her knees "nipping my tongue no fair ya silly"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles softly, "I like him"

james, "None of your buisness"

Nina giggles, "You started it"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled back "he does have a way of making you like him whether ya want to or not"

Gackt sniffed lightly "what is that smell?" he wrinkled his nose.

Rogue smiled "such a lie" she looked at Logan "tell this crazy girl she clearly started it"

2010-08-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac sighed and walked down the street, keeping himself hidden.

The officer in charge called Rogue.

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue ignored her phone figuring it was James.

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, he wasn't going to admit it but he still had strong feelings for Gackt

James giggles a little, "Wow your naive"

Nina giggles

Logan, " both started it?"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "awe i know that look and those words you still like him"

Gackt rose his brow "what are you talking about?"

Rogue smiled "i still say it was you Nina"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Huh no I don't"

James chuckles, "Nothin go away"

Nina smiles back sticking her tongue out

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "why not admit it? what happened between you two anyway?"

Gackt "james you're scaring me"

Rogue giggled poking her tongue.

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce, "it's a long story but the short version is a man i considered to be a best friend convinced Gackt I was cheating and it didn't end well"

James rolls his eyes, opening his door, "Why?"

Nina eeps and giggles

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya "ah i see im sorry to hear that i guess you dont talk to said person"

Gackt "one moment you're snipping now you're laughing" he coughed a little when he caught a strong whiff of the pot "are you in there doing drugs?"

Rogue chuckled getting up "wow we got really distracted didnt we?"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce shakes his head, "No I still do"

James chuckles, "Finally figured it out?"

Nina giggles noding

Logan, "YOu're weird"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya "well i guess its good that you can still that you two can still be friends"

Gackt "wow what a hyprocrite dude" he shook his head stepping back "there is no way Rogue is staying here i cant allow it"

Rogue smiled "not weird eccentric maybe"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Yeah"

James, "I can't help it if I have an addiction and good luck taking away my kid"

Nina giggles nodding

Logan rolls his eyes and chuckles

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "if ya still like him you should tell him"

Gackt "yea you can actually and im not taking her im letting her know what you're doing she'll probably stay with me or bruce so have fun feeding your addiction alone but rogue is recovering from an addiction and you wouldnt be helping her at all"

Rogue smiled "dont roll your eyes at me"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back softly, "It'd never work"

James, "She aint staying with that short british fuck that's for damned sure and I'm trying to get over it but it's alot harder for you then it is me"

Logan smiles back, "why not?"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "you dont know that"

Gackt rose a brow "what are you talking about?"

Rogue smiled "cause i say so?"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Yes I do?"

James, "She's got you guys I got noone"

Logan smiles back, "so?"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya "ya dont sound sure" he giggled.

Gackt rolled his eyes "you have her you have someone worth getting clean for to be a good role model you're not doing such a hot job"

Rogue giggled "quit arguing with me?"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce, "errr..silence you" he giggles

James frowns, "I'm trying"

Logan giggles, "No"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya giggled "make me"

Gackt "No you're not you said yourself you cant help it but you know you can just need someone to open your eyes and if i were you i'd let her stay with bruce til your clean why do you even do them? and wait i wanna know why'd you break me and bruce up?"

Rogue giggled "nina tell him to quit arguing with me"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Damn I'm too lazy"

James rolls his eyes, "None of your buisness"

Nina is too busy playin wif leaves:D

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled back giggling.

Gackts "its none of my business? it was my relationship yea its my business i wanna know why"

Rogue facepalmed giggling "well um you still cant argue with me"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles also

James, "Cuz it's not fair he always gets everything more fans more money everyone always says he sounds better it's bullshit"

Nina giggles throwing leaves at Rogue

Logan smiles, "No"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya giggled "silly"

Gackt "you have just as many fans and if you'd quit the drugs you'd have more money you both sound amazing at least to me but that doesnt justify ruining the relationship"

Rogue eeped jumping smiling back "dammmit why?"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce, "And yet you undoubtably love me"

James smirks, "Plus the bastard wouldn't let me go for his kid so fine the way I see if I can't be happy why should he?"

Nina giggles

Logan, "Cuz your cute when your annoyed?"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya blushed "i what?"

Gackt frowned "dude you're like 45 nina is 16 thats just wrong..."

Rogue blushed "I um...uh..."

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "Its a figure of speach jeez"

James, "Whats the difference when Bruce is in his 50's and your in you 20's stil a 30 year difference but no that's ok"

Logan chuckles

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya giggled "hush you"

Gackt "the difference is im over eighteen its not illegal what me and bruce had"

Rogue "no fair saying that and disrupting my thoughts"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Never"

James, "Ya know what it's not worth arguing get out"

Logan smles, "But it's true"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled back "why not?"

Gackt shook his head "you have problems dude and there is no way rogue is staying her i'd rather leave her with a stranger she'd be safe there" he left quickly storming back to Bruce's.

Rogue smiled back giggling "nah its not"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Cuz I rock" he tilts his head when Gackt comes in, "Gackt love what's wrong?"

James, "You have no clue what I've been through" he shouts at Gackt as he leaves

Logan, "Dontchu argue with me"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sat close to Bruce "He broke us up because he couldnt have nina..." he frowned "i think rogue should stay here til he gets his act together"

Rogue smiled "i'll argue if i want"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns then nods, "Well of course she can stay here I've always offered her a home here poor kid"

Logan, "Then I'll kill ya >:D"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya frowned "he wanted nina? she's so young though..."

Gackt "he said its no different between me and bruce"

Rogue giggled "save me nina"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Yeah I remember we had a big fight about it" he rubs his jaw a little, "He knocked a couple of me teeth out but I finally got the point across" he frowns, "it was different for one you wanted me I didn't try and force meself like he did"

Nina giggles, "Never :D"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded "yea im 21 im an adult and so are you"

Rogue giggled "rude nina"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce nods then sighs, "Someone should call want me to?"

Nina smiles, "I know"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded "yes please i'll say things i shouldnt if i do" he sighed "he does drugs did you know that?"

Rogue smiled "well he wouldnt anyway"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns and shakes his head, "No I didn't..."

Nina giggles and nods

Logan, "Oh wouldn't I?"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i smelled pot when i went there god only know what else he does"

Rogue smiled "no you wouldnt"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns, "Maybe we should get him to a hospital"

Logan smiles back rolling his eyes

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "if you can get him to go"

Rogue giggled "dont you roll your eyes at me"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce sighs, "I feel bad Gackt..."

Logan smiles, rolling his eyes again

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt gently rubbed his shoulder "its not your fault"

Rogue smiled back "oh no you didnt"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "But I still feel bad, toss me me phone?"

Logan, "Oh yes yes I did"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded handing Bruce the phone.

Rogue giggled "quit it"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Thanks" he goes through it then calls Rogue

Logan, "No" hhe chuckles

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggled then went to reply "hold up" she answered her phone "hello?"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Loan smiles

Bruce, "lo rogue ummm" he explains to her what happend, "So if you want I want you to know your welcome to stay here"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue frowned "oh yea of course i'll stay"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "I'm sorry Rogue"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "dont be not your explains why he never cared"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Oh Rogue you know he loves you he's just in a fog now"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "well if you say so" she sighed "i gotta go ok?"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Ok Rogue you know we're here for you"

2010-08-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "i know bye" she hung up then sat on a tree stump "i cant believe him...he got so pissed at me for doing pot and here he is doing drugs" she frowned "and nina im so sorry for whatever he did or tried to do i really am i shoulda been there to stop him"

2010-08-20 [wolvie]: Bruce hangs up also and sighs, "Damn I feel terrible"

Nina frowns and walks over to Rogue, "Hey now it wasn't your fault you have nothing to be sorry for"

Logan frown a little, "Anything I can help with?"

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nuzzled Bruce "Its not your fault"

Rogue smiled a little "if you say so" she looked at Logan "help me get some of my clothes from my house?"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Bruce blushes a little but nuzzles back, "I know"

Logan nods, "Of course"

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "awe you're blushing"

Rogue smiled "lets go guys"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Bruce sticks his tongue out, "Am not"

Logan smiles back and nods, "Ok"

Nina hops up nodding

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The offier sighed and called Rogue again.

Isaac was stumbling down the street, weak and tired.

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Anyone home?!]

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [maybe XD]

Rogue answered her phone this time "what?"

Gackt smiled "you so are"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: [sorries was makin a new RPG >.> <.<]

Logan and Nina get in the car

Bruce giggles, blushing more, "Lies I say!"

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The officer sighed. "He escaped...he injurd four police offers and nearly killed one...becareful.."

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue frowned getting into the car she hung up shaking lightly.

Shinya smiled "your cheeks are red"

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac was walking by the car, his left leg was bandage with dried up blood. He was limping, seemed weak, close to death.

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue wrapped her arms around Logan's arm holding close.

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Logan looks over and growls softly

Nina see's Isaac and frowns, starting the car, "Hold on guys" she backs out quickly

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac halted. His eyes looking toward the car. But he didn't move toward them, just clutched his stomach and looked to Nina, a tear flowing down his cheek as he turned back around and walked away.

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "He hurt people to escape..." she sighed.

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Nina frowns but shakes her head a little, driving past Isaac and to James'

Logan frowns not knowing what to reply

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac fell to his knees, gasping.

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue held close to Logan

Gackt "I can still get to ya"

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac frowns and wheezes heavily.

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Nina, "Ok rogue hurry up please"

Logan smiles a little, "It's ok kid"

Bruce, "cannot"

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nodded rushing inside and to her room grabbing a bag of her favorite clothes then darted back into the car.

Gackt smiled "you so blushed"

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac pushed himself up and limped on.

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Nina bites her lip feeling bad for Isaac

Logan, "You ok?"

Bruce giggles, "Nope and you have no proof"

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac continued to limp toward the direction the car went. He was badly beaten, bruised, and near death, only because...they found out what he was, and they were a bunch of mutant haters.

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "i will be once they catch him again" she leaned against Logan.

Shinya smiled "i saw ya blush"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Yeah..."

Nina frowns, "I feel kinda bad for him..." she says driving back to her home

Bruce eeps, "Lies!" he giggles

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac continued on.

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "i cant why worry if someone bleeds a little will it be someone else im lucky my mutation saved me"

Gackt smiled snuggling Bruce "Did so"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "Yeah yeah your right Rogue"

Bruce blushes furiously

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue pulled away from Logan more in fear of her power than anything else.

Bruce smiled "you're blushing now"

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac limped off.

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Logan, "Hey I won't hurt you"

Nina frowns and parks, "I'm gonna go for a walk k?"

Bruce smiles back, "Errrrrrr am not?"

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "its my power not you it hurts people" she nodded "alright keep safe"

Gackt poked his cheek "are too"

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac continued to limp off toward the direction the car went.

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Logan, "Oh I'm sorry"

Nina nods, gettin out then starts walking

Bruce giggles and grabs gackt, laying him on his back then grabs his arms, pinning him down, "AM not"

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shrugged "not your fault"

Gackt smiled "you know where this leads right?" he chuckled

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Logan, "Need help with your stuff?"

Bruce giggles, ""

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac continued forward.

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "if you dont mind"

Gackt smiled "yea ya do"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Nina walks, then eeps wen she trips, cutting her knee open

Logan smiles back, "I don't"

Bruce smiles back straddlin Gackt, rudedly forgetting about Shinya, "No I don't"

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "thanks"

Gackt shivered running his hands up his sides and back "damn then"

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac blinked as he caught the scent of blood. Grunting, he'd lick his lips. He was so weak, and so hungry...So he continued on toward the scent.

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back and nods, helping her

Bruce shivers moaning softly, "Oh Gackt.."

Nina winces, pulling her knee to her chest, she wasn't very good at taking pain, never really had bad. She starts to whimper, trying to pull out the little chunks of sidewalk grit that got in the bleeding wound

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac hurried off.

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: shinya quietly left and walked down the sidewalk.

Rogue smiled giggling "really gackt?"

Gackt smiled "go to your room rogue" he chuckled then kissed Bruce "oh bruce"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Logan rolls his eyes

Bruce shivers and gently kisses back, "What?"

Nina whimpers and looks around for help

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac finally arrived, looking down at her. His eyes...were blood with with hunger, and starvation. But he didn't make a move, he just stared at her.

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "sorry about my friend"

Gackt smiled kissing his neck "i've missed this"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Nina looks up at him and shakes a little, "It hurts..." she moves her hand from her knee which is still bleeding

Logan smiles back, "It's ok"

Bruce shivers and nods, "Me two"

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "wanna go for a walk?"

Gackt smiled softly at Bruce.

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac shook off the hunger....for now. He cared about Nina...enough to hold his hunger back. Limping up to her, he'd bend down and took her hand off the wound, kissing it softly and then took her hand licking the blood off of it and looked into her eyes. "Why...why you hate me?"

2010-08-21 [wolvie]: Logan smiles softly, "Sure"

Bruce smiles back, "errr...what now?"

Nina shakes, "You hurt Rogue..."

2010-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Isaac looked away. "Do you not understand my mutation?"

2010-08-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled as she went for a walk with Logan.

Gackt giggled "your room?"

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